Case Study 2
A situation in which a Receiver is required
This case study has been taken from a previous client of Purnells. The names of the parties involved have however been changed.
"Unhappy Partners" was a Partnership which specialised in waste disposal. The Partnership was made up of 2 partners who had gone from being partners in business to being unable to work on the same site. The situation had deteriorated to the stage where one partner could not even enter the premises of the business due to a threat of violence.
During the period in which the remaining partner ("Partner 1") was running the business on his own he purportedly transferred the assets and liabilities of the Partnership into a new limited company ("NewCo"), drew money out of the company, lost records and any records that did remain were of a very poor standard.
At the same time as Partner 1 was setting up NewCo, his son had set up a similar business ("Waste Disposers") opposite to the premises of where Unhappy Partners used to trade from. Over time NewCo evaporated into this new entity, Waste Disposers.
A Court Appointed Receiver, Purnells, was then appointed over Waste Disposers but was not given the powers by the court to run the business only to sell the business.
Problems were encountered by Purnells with Partner 1 due to his lack of cooperation with the Court Order and his refusal to supply requested information to the Receiver. Purnells eventually applied to the court for a commital to prison for non cooperation from the partner.
Purnells investigations led them to find that several hundreds of thousands of pounds had been extracted out of the business and eventually Purnells were able to obtain a worldwide freezing order over all of the assets of Partner 1 to force him to finally cooperate.
Following on from that freezing order meetings were held between the partners and the Receiver where a settlement was finally reached.
This Case Study is a stark contrast to the example given in Case Study 1. This case study shows how, with the appointment of a Court Appointed Receiver, it was possible to recover the assets taken by Partner 1, to ensure that the other Partner was fairly compensated for his interest in Unhappy Partners.
If you would like advice from Purnells regarding Court Appointed Receivers over Partnerships please do not hesitate to contact Chris Parkman on 01326 340 579 or email us at
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